Dream Theater
City: Pittsburgh, PA - USA
Venue: Station Square
Date: 03-7-3
Complete: Yes
Media: 1 SHN/2 CD-R
Source: Audience DAT Recording
Conversion: DAT -> wav -> CDR ->
EAC -> wav -> CDWave* ->
Shorten 3.5.1 -> md5 summer ->
Taper/Location: No Info Avaiable
CD 1:
01: A Clockwork Orange
02: Overture 1928
Metropolis Part I
03: Strange Deja Vu
04. Through My Words
Fatal Tragedy
05: Hollow Years
06: The Glass Prison
CD 2:
01: Erotomania
02: Voices
03: The Silent Man
04: Learning to Live
~ Encore ~
05: Won't Get Fooled Again
Recieved this show as 2 large tracks and used
CDWave to split and index them into single tracks